Category: Crushed sand mixture
Сode: 10000011
ShchPS or crushed stone-sand mixture is a bulk building material consisting of granite crushed stone with a maximum grain size of 40 mm and screenings (a by-product of the production of granite crushed stone, consisting mainly of stone dust and fine stones).
ShchPS is manufactured according to DSTU and is used for the construction and repair of critical and safety-sensitive facilities. This bulk material is most often used in the construction and major repairs of highways as a solid foundation. It is also suitable for filling and strengthening roadsides, for arranging embankments of railway tracks.
• Density: 1675kg/m3
• Content of dust and clay particles: 1,2
• Clay content in breasts: -
• Grade of crushed stone by crushability: 1000;
• Frost resistance: F200